XJ9 Hentai

My Life As A Teenage Robot Porn Story: X7T – Chapter 3

My Life As A Teenage Robot Porn Story: X7T – Chapter 3

The dictator stared out her window at the Earth. “Yes, the timing is absolutely right. She is most vulnerable.”

“Very well, then I well activate the plan.”

“Yes, you shall.”


“And then,” Steven said, on our first date in Tremerton, “I was able to repair the bridge just before the zoo closed, so we were still able to go on the field trip.”

“You are so cool, Steven! I could never have done that.” Of course I could have. I was capable of doing it faster than him, too. Why did I say such things?

“Oh, let me tell you about the time that I saved a-“

“X7T?” A large robot rudely interrupted our conversation, “I am an ambassador from the cluster. An all-robot planet dedicated to providing all robots with the treatment we so rightly deserve.”

“Not you guys again!” I said.

“Go on.” Steven told him.

“We are an all-robot planet, which means that robots can live normal lives with normal jobs, and we enslave the human race.”

“Go away! You’re ruining our date!” I shouted.

“That sounds incredible!” Steven said.

“Huh? What are you saying Steven?” I asked.

“Can I join?” He asked the ambassador.

“Of course, come with me.” The cluster ambassador said.

“Steven!” I shouted, “What about me?!”

Steven turned to the ambassador. “Can Jenny come too?”

“Absolutely.” He answered.

“Come on, Jenny. This’ll be fun.” He urged me.

It was my moment. I had to choose between the love of my life and the protection of humans.


“Brad? You’re still sitting in here?” Tuck asked.

“Yeah, so?” Brad was a little grumpy. He opened the new magazine with Jenny on the cover. The title story read: ‘New robotic romance for Teenage Robot XJ9’.

“Listen, if you like Jenny, just tell her.”

“I don’t love Jenny!”

“Who are you trying to fool?” Tuck walked out.

Brad sat up. He looked at himself in the mirror. Who was he kidding, he was in love.

“I gotta find her.” He got out his skateboard and started riding to downtown.

“Jenny, I’ll find you!” He said to himself.


“I…I…” I stuttered.

“We don’t have all day!” The ambassador yelled.

I didn’t know what to say.

“Jenny!” Brad called.

“Brad? What are you-” He ran right into me while he was skateboarding, and we both fell into a bush.

“Who is this?” Steven asked.

“Brad, what are you doing here?” I asked him.

“I, uh, who are these guys?” Brad asked me. There were so many questions.

“This is Steven,” I pointed to Steven, “and that’s, the cluster ambassador, and-“

“Jenny! You’re leaving Tremerton?!”

“No, uh, yes, uh no…uh…” I tried to make up my mind.

“Come on, Jenny. You know you want to…” Steven stared at me hypnoticly.

“Are you trying to force me?”

“No, I just-“

“Listen, Steven. I’ve done alotta things I didn’t want for you, and now you do this? I’m tired of waiting on you! Steven, I won’t go! You’ll have to stay here with me!” I said, and I was firm about it.

He laughed. “It’s like a big robot party, and it never stops!”

“No!” I screamed, “A million times no!”

“Alright, let’s go.” he said to the ambassador.

“Wait a minute, you’re just gonna leave me?” I said.

“I wouldn’t stay on this planet another minute longer.”

“After all we’ve been through! You’re just gonna throw that away?”

“You could come with me.”

“What’s wrong with you! This isn’t you!” I started to cry. “We’re over, I hope I never see you again!” Cameras clicked rapidly.

I flew away, I didn’t want anyone to see me cry.


“Jenny,” Brad slowly opened my door, “Can I come in?”

“Do you have a camera?”


“Then go ahead.”

“Jenny, are you gonna be okay?”

“How could he do that to me? I did everything for him, and look at what he gave me!”

“Some guys are like that.”

I cried. “I wish they all were like you.”

He blushed. “Jenny, you’ll meet someone, and he’ll make you really happy, and you’ll deserve it.” He walked out.

I was shaky at the moment, but I remember how I felt distinctly. When Brad was there, I was happy. When he left, I was sad.


As time went on, anger took over. Feeling sad did nothing, I had to take action. I flew to the cluster.

“Steven!” I shouted.

“Hold it!” Someone asked me, “Who are you?”

“I’m XJ9, I need to speak to X7T.”

He shook his head, “Oh boy, I’ll take you to him.”


I was face to face with Vexus.

“This isn’t Steven? Where’s Steven?” I asked.

“Right here.” Vexus said.

Sitting in the corner, was Steven.














Hehe. I use Jenny/Brad! This is shocking!

BTW, please read this fic I co-wrote, it’s title Jenny and the World Robot Competition. It’s really cool, so read it. ^.~

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