My Life As A Teenage Robot Porn Story: Diamonds Are a Robots Best Friend Chapter 12

My Life As A Teenage Robot Porn Story: Diamonds Are a Robots Best Friend Chapter 12

Diamonds Are a
Robots Best Friend

A My Life as a
Teenage Robot Fanfic

Chapter Twelve
Consider This My Resignation

Finally freed from the mind-control microchip in the
necklace, Jenny was just starting to get her bearings back.P It felt like she had just woken up from a
bad dream, only to realize that it hadnt been a dream at all.P Maximillian Marquis had been using her, ever
since the diamond show!P No, thats
not right,
she realized painfully hes been using me all week long.P And now, he had a laser pistol pointed at
the back of Brads head and he wanted her back as his slave, to operate the
insane machine that was destroying the moon.

Marquis repeated his command.P Take the necklace, and put it back on now.

The moon-diamond necklace was floating just a few feet away,
tumbling gracefully in zero gravity.P
Even with the pistol pressed against his head, Brads face still pleaded
dont do it
.P Marquis grew more
tense with every passing second.P Jenny
had to do something fast.

All right you win!P
Dont hurt him!P Ill Ill put
the necklace back on.P Oops!P Jenny reached out, and clumsily knocked
her hand against the necklace.P It
floated towards Marquis

And provided just enough distraction for her to quickly
stretch out her arm and grab the pistol away from him.P Anger and pain flared in her eyes.P All those things you told me, all week
long!P The diamond robbery, your Career
Week visit, my big modeling career, all of it was a big load of garbage!P Just so you could have me as one of your
little robot puppets!P Well, Ive got
just two words for you, Boss.

Jenny crushed the laser pistol into a metal ball and flung
it at Marquis head.P I QUIT!

Marquis shook with rage and gestured frantically to his
crew.P GET HER!

Two robot engineers sailed across the cabin towards Jenny,
one brandishing a pair of large wrenches, the other with welding torches
deployed from his hands.P The first
engineer swung and missed with a heavy wrench.P
The welder swung one of his torches, singeing her pigtail.P That made her really mad.P Jenny punched the wrench-holder in the head,
nearly caving his entire metal face in.P
She grabbed him by the arm and swung him into the welder, crushing both
robots against the control panel for the Moonswords lasers.P The robots, and the panel, exploded into a
shower of electrical sparks.

With their controls wrecked, the quartz mirrors started to
pivot randomly, and the huge lasers started to drift out of focus.P Clouds of rock and debris still marred the
surface of the moon, but the thousand-mile long crevice stopped growing.P The lasers started to wander, firing
aimlessly into space.

Jenny dusted her hands together.P So much for your big ray gun.P But if youre really anxious to break up big rocks into little
rocks, Im sure we can find you a prison yard and a sledgehammer!

Jenny!P Look out
behind you!P Brad tried to shout a
warning to her

Two more robots jumped her, slamming her into the co-pilots
seat.P One of the robots grabbed the
armrests and folded them inward, trapping her in the chair.P Ruby, the lunar geologist, grabbed the
mind-control necklace from mid-air, and glided across the cabin towards the
struggle.P If she could get it back
around Jennys neck, then they might be able to salvage the Moonswords

Brad watched as Jenny tried to fight off Marquis
robots.P But it got hard for him to
follow the action, since the forward windows were right behind them, and it was
getting really bright outside.P Brad
squinted to protect his eyes.P Man,
the sun sure is bright out here in space!P
Wait a minute the sun is behind us.P
And the sun isnt purple.

Suddenly he realized what the brightness was.P One of the Moonswords six lasers
beams was slowly starting to turn towards the rocket itself.

Ruby drifted up to Jenny, and was about to slip the necklace
back on, when Jenny gave her a nasty smile.P
Her right leg housing cracked open, and unfolded into a large
cannon.P Ruby panicked as Jenny fired;
but the cannon only shot out a net,P
which knocked Ruby across the cabin and pinned her to the wall.P Jenny shattered the armrests, and started to
pound her two robot assailants into scrap metal.

Chaos broke lose on the bridge as the ship started to rattle
and shudder violently.P Equipment and
crewmen ricocheted around the inside of the cabin.P A horrific hissing noise sounded from the front of the rocket,
followed by the shriek of metal being sliced into pieces.P Jenny rotated a pair of dark lenses over her
eyes and looked out the window

The Moonsword was beginning to slice itself in half,
nose to tail.

Cripes!P That laser
is going to cut the ship to ribbons! she shouted.P And I dont think I can shut it off!P The laser controls are smashed up pretty good.P Brad, wed better get out of here

Jenny jumped back as a disintegrator blast came out of
nowhere, and reduced the co-pilots chair into a cloud of ash.P Yikes!P
That was close!
P It was
unbelievably reckless to fire a disintegrator inside of a rocket ship.P But apparently, right now, Maximillian
Marquis was in a reckless mood.

He had reached an equipment locker on the side of the cabin,
and was now holding a formidable-looking rifle in his hands.P You insolent robotic whelp! he
shouted.P All of my planning, all of my
dreams you will pay dearly, girl!P Oh,
you will most certainly pay!

Are you crazy?!? Jenny shouted back.P What if you miss me and disintegrate the

Then I will be sure not to miss.P He fired his weapon once more.

A pair of springs deployed from the bottom of her feet, and
Jenny leapt out of the way, barely escaping the beam.P It hit a ceiling monitor, which vaporized into floating ash.P Knock it off, you idiot! she shouted.P If youre not careful, you might make a
hole in the ship!

Brad suddenly noticed the strong smell of ozone in the
air.P The paint on the front bulkhead
started to bubble and peel.

A foot-wide hole blasted through the ceiling, and a thin,
blinding column of purple light ripped through the front of the cabin.P The monstrous laser beam had worked its way
through the front of the ship, and had reached the bridge.P It was twenty times hotter than the surface
of the sun, and it was cutting through the rocket like a stick of butter.P Metal squealed and vaporized, and the front
of the crew cabin started to crack into two neat halves.

Air screamed out of the cabin into space, sucking loose
debris and a few unfortunate droids directly into the lasers path.P It kept drifting slowly backwards heading
right towards Brad.P His face was
starting to turn blue, but there was still enough air in his lungs to
shout.P JENNY!P Ah little help here!

Marquis clutched onto a handrail, consumed with fury, even
while his human crew fled for their lives.P
He braced against the hurricane-force winds, and took aim on Jenny one
more time.P She was flying towards Brad,
concerned only with rescuing him from the laser, now only ten feet away.P Marquis steadied his rifle as Jenny ripped
one of Brads wrists free.P STOP! he

Marquis had a twisted smile on his face.P If either of you moves in the slightest, I
shall fire!P Jenny froze in her tracks;
even though she could probably dodge the blast, Brad certainly could not.P Her mind raced for ideas.P The screeching laser was only five feet
away.P They could feel its warmth on
their skin

At least I shall have the satisfaction of watching you two
perish, grinned Marquis.

A grotesque moan rolled through the ship, and the cabin
flooring buckled under Marquis feet.P
He lost his grip on the handrail, and started to spiral upwards towards
the crack in the ceiling.P He flung the
rifle aside and flailed his arms wildly, trying to grab onto something, until
his body finally slammed against the fractured hull, pinned tight by the
suction of escaping air.

Brad had passed out from lack of oxygen.P The laser was only two feet away.P Jenny ripped the metal band off of his other
wrist.P She could sense that the laser
was only inches away from her back then she pulled him away from the chair,
seconds before it was neatly sliced in two.P
Her diamond-painted chest panel slid open and deployed an oxygen
breather, which she held over Brads mouth.

piercing scream filled the cabin as the ceiling ripped apart, and Maximillian
Marquis was sucked outside.P He tumbled
away from the Moonsword, with a look of terror flash-frozen onto his
face, and dwindled into the eternal void amidst a shower of metallic fragments.

The Moonsword was buckling and caving in on itself,
as its supporting structure was being destroyed by the laser.P The powerful reactors that drove the lasers
were located towards the back of the ship.P
When the beam reached them, the results would be spectacular, to
say the least.

Jenny wrapped an arm around Brads waist, and started flying
towards the rear of the ship.P Turning
and weaving down the corridors, she was looking for some kind of emergency
escape pod.P Even a spacesuit would do
the trick.P She would have no problem
flying back to Earth, of course, but even with an oxygen mask, Brad would never
survive out in outer space.P She passed
a galley, an engineering bay, a computer room then she finally saw four small
tunnels labeled Escape Pods.

Four small, empty tunnels.P
The crew had already evacuated to safety in the pods.P They were all alone now, with no means of
escape.P The walls started to heave and
twist as if they were made of rubber; the corridors echoed with the shrieking
sounds of the laser shredding the metal hull into subatomic particles.P With the air gone, it was starting to get
very cold.P Jennys sensors told her
that it was forty below and dropping.P
Brad started shivering violently, and she started to grow afraid for

Then she saw the airlock, and inspiration hit her.P She laid Brad down carefully inside, and
sealed the doors shut.P The airlock ran
off of a separate set of oxygen tanks.P
Jenny pressed a few buttons, and air started to hiss into the
chamber.P A few nervous moments later,
she saw Brads chest take a few heaving breaths, and she sighed with relief.

She punched a hole in the hull and glided outside into
space.P With a few quick twists and
snaps, her right arm converted into a buzzsaw.P
She cut the airlock away from the rockets hull, then ripped the entire
thing out of the Moonsword with her fantastic strength.P The laser had almost worked its way back to
the ships huge energy reactors.P This
is gonna be close
.P She planted her
hands firmly against the airlock, and deployed two giant rocket engines from
her leg housings.P They roared to life,
and Jenny sped away from the dying ship, pushing the airlock in front of
her.P Faster Ive got to get as far
away as possible

With a horrific flash, the sky flared into a solid, blazing
white.P A sphere of atomic fire expanded
rapidly out into space.P Shock waves
rippled away from the explosion, and Jenny braced for the inevitable
impact.P They shook her and the airlock
violently, but she powered her way through them, and suddenly all was dark and
peaceful again.

She popped up to the side of the airlock and rapped on the
window, with a big smile on her face.P
Brad gave her a weak little wave.P
He floated up to the window with dazzled, bloodshot eyes.

Can we go home now? he mumbled.

The newlyweds giggled as they walked hand in hand along the
pristine beach, enjoying their midnight stroll at the Caribbean resort.P The moonlight on the crystal blue water was
breathtakingly romantic.P Although the
moon did look a bit different tonight it seemed like there was a long scratch
running down its face.P It didnt seem
that important though, and they wrapped their arms around each other in an
amorous embrace.P The young woman gazed
into her new husbands eyes

And right past them, at a hideous creature slowly lurching
out of the waves.P She screamed at the
top of her lungs.P The couple clung to
each other and shivered in fear as a shiny humanoid figure lumbered onto the
sand, looked around in a daze, and staggered in their direction.P It seemed to be a silver-gray robot of some
kind, with odd green jagged stripes running all over its body.

Where where the heck did you come from? asked the

The silver-green android stumbled to a halt, and picked a
long strand of kelp off of his chest.P
Mister, you wouldnt believe me if I told you, he moaned.P Where I can find a phone around here?

The husband nervously raised his arm and pointed.P Over there b-b-back at the hotel.

Thanks a zillion, said the android.P I need to give Jenny a call and see if I
can bum a ride home.P His eyes started
to flutter, and he looked a little punchy.P
Riiiight after I take a little nappy-poo.P He pitched over face-first into the sand,
and schlorped into a puddle of silver-green pudding, softly bubbling

The young woman looked at her husband, confused.P Whos Jenny?

Students shuffled into the classroom for first period,
filling the air with conversation.P Brad
leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head.P This mornings Tremorton Tribune was folded
on his desk, with the screaming headline Billionaire Attempts To Destroy
Moon.P And sitting on top of that was a
graded Career Week report.

Read it and weep, he grinned.P A-plus.P Can I just say
one thing?P Boo, yah.P Thank you, thank you very much.

Drew looked barely awake, propping his chin up with his
palm, but he had to laugh at that.P
Tribune exclusive by student reporter.P Not too shabby, Brad, not too shabby at all.P And the pictures really came out nice.

Brad proudly held up Tucks Johnny Zoom Spy Cam.P Did I not say that it would be so?P Hey, how about your project?P How did yours come out?

Drew flipped through his report with disinterest.P You know, I never did find out what they
actually do at that company.P They have
a lot of meetings, send memos to each other, and somebody had a birthday
yesterday.P So I wrote up a five page
report on filing cabinets.P Behold my
C-minus, in all its glory.

The sound of whirring motors grew closer, and metallic
footsteps gently clanked their way towards the desk.P Jenny softly walked up and set her textbooks down, taking a seat
between Brad and Drew.P She seemed a bit
uncomfortable, and tried to force a smile.P
Morning, guys.P Phew!P Um wasnt sure if I would make it on time
this morning.P Is the teacher in yet?

Brad folded his arms, and simply looked at her with a
neutral expression.P Drew still looked
half-asleep, leaning on his desk.P He
managed to raise an eyebrow.

Jenny gulped nervously.P
Uh wow, Drew.P You sure look
tired.P Well I guess we all had
heh-heh a pretty hectic night last night, huh?P Yeah, Im tired too.P Mom
and I were up all night, scrubbing off that diamond-paint.P I had to take a bath in acid and
turpentine.P And some of the diamond
dust got into my servos.P Heh yeah,
Mom wasnt too happy about that

The boys still stared silently at her, and Jenny finally
heaved with a big sigh.

Okay, guys I didnt listen to your warnings, and I kind
of got a little carried away with the whole supermodel thing, and I might have
gotten a big head about it all.P
Everybody was being so nice to me, and lavishing me with attention, and
all the girls were so jealous and I liked it soooooo much.P I had so many admirers that I forgot all
about my friends.P Brad, Drew Im
really sorry.P Were still friends, guys

Brad and Drew remained silent for a few more seconds, then Drew
leaned forward slightly, and spoke to Brad in a loud whisper.

Is she talking to us?

Brad leaned over and whispered back.P Cant be.P
Dont you know who that is?P Its

Drews eyes grew wide.P
Really?P Wow, a real live
celebrity here in our classroom!P Should
we ask for her autograph?

Naw, that would so pedestrian, so dclass.P Celebrities dont associate with little
people like us.

Jenny threw her arms up in frustration.P Oh, ha, ha real funny, guys! she
whined.P Come on, I said I was
sorry!P I feel guilty enough as it is
already!P Dont be so mean!

Brad threw his head back, in mock protest.P Mean?P
Mean?!?P Are we being

Drew tapped his chin.P
I dont think so.P Mean
would be oh, say using somebodys head like a hammer to bash up a control

Yeah, or, say chaining somebody up underneath a rocket
engine, Brad shot back.

Or jabbing them in the back with an electric cattle prod.

Or strapping them into a chair to get sliced in half by a
giant laser.

Ooh!P Ooh!P Or shoving them out an emergency exit into
the vacuum of space.

AAAUUUGHHH! Jenny howled, burying her face in her
hands.P The boys couldnt contain
themselves any longer, and burst into laughter.P They each wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and gave her a
playful shake.

Are you guys going to be doing this all day? she

All day?P Brad and
Drew exchanged gestures, as if debating the idea, and then nodded in
agreement.P Yeah, all day sounds
good.P Well, maybe tomorrow.

Jenny just rocked her head back and forth and groaned.


A/N Again, to everybody who left reviews I honestly
cant thank you enough; theyre really great motivators.P Id like to know what you thought of the
story length was it too long?P Did the
shorter chapters help?P Make no
difference?P Id also like to know what
you think of my OC, Drew.P There have
been kind reviews, but I realize lots of people dont like OCs.P Its just that once I created a character
made of nanobots, I realized Dang, theres a lot of cool things you can do
with a body made of nanobots.

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